Generally, every important, in addition to being something that's very helpful and crucial, should have the capacity to produce income for the master, or conserve money for him, before it may qualify to be called an investment. It is very important to stress the next function of an expense (i.e. an investment as being income-generating). The explanation for that state is that most persons contemplate just the initial function within their judgments on which constitutes an investment. They understand an investment merely as an invaluable, even though the useful is income-devouring. Such a belief usually has critical long-term economic consequences. Such persons often produce costly economic mistakes that charge them fortunes in life. investing
Possibly, one of the reasons for this misconception is that it's acceptable in the academic world. In economic studies in main-stream academic institutions and academic textbooks, investments - usually called assets - make reference to possessions or properties. This is why company organisations regard all their possessions and attributes as their resources, even if they do not produce any income for them. That notion of investment is unacceptable among economically literate persons since it's not merely incorrect, but additionally misleading and deceptive. For this reason some organisations ignorantly consider their liabilities as their assets. That is also why some people also consider their liabilities as their assets/invstments.
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